Milk Bands™ Story

Milk Bands™ nursing bracelet was invented in January 2005 by Jenny Bosco.

"I had decided that I wanted my babies to be breastfed and after having major setbacks on breastfeeding my first born, I was anxious to try again with my second child which turned out more pleasant. BUT, due to lack of sleep, not being educated enough on breastfeeding and unable to find a decent way to track what side, what time or how long they would breastfeed (my babies were "on demand" feeders) it became frustrating for me. I was not looking forward to breastfeeding my next child until I had a logical solution to some of my breastfeeding problems. One night in January of 2005, my sister-in-law called me very upset with the same issues I had faced while nursing and not wanting her to stop breastfeeding I was determined to come up with something and the "flip-able" breastfeeding bracelet idea was born! Milk Bands™ have given moms all around the world the empowerment to breastfeed their babies and do it well and I know that Milk Bands™ will help you too."

Jenny Bosco

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